Accessible Limitless Living – ALL

ALL – Accessible Limitless Living is a civil, non-profit company based in Thessaloniki that aims to create appropriate conditions and useful tools for equal access of all citizens to all aspects of social life and human activity.
ALL was founded by an interdisciplinary team of professionals and researchers in the broader areas of accessibility, social policy and social inclusion, who share the principles and goals of sustainable development in terms of equal social participation and inclusion.
Develops actions that promote the free exercise of human and political rights without discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, nationality or social origin, ethnic minority participation, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation or gender identity.
It seeks to actively contribute to the vision of equal access for all to common goods and services and the elimination of social inequalities, in synergy with institutional, research, collective and non-governmental actors, through the following key lines of action:
- Education and information
- Accessibility
- Independent living and support within the community
- Research, monitoring and evaluation
- Spreading the spirit of parity