Equal Society

The Non-Governmental Organization “Equal Society” was established in February 2010 as an independent and non-profit organization aiming at carrying out actions for combatting social exclusion, unemployment and poverty. Its primary objective is to raise awareness and inform citizens on the rights of equality, equal treatment and non-discrimination in all areas of social life, especially in education, vocational training, labour market, social welfare, health and human rights.
Through the process of open dialogue and the cooperation with a wide range of stakeholders, Equal Society implements interventions at national and European level, promoting social inclusion and the respect of human rights. In this respect, the organization operates a Support Center for Social Economy which is a formal structure for promoting social entrepreneurship in Greece. It is funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and aims at developing social entrepreneurship in Greece through the provision of consulting services, including coaching, mentoring, training and provision of expertise, to vulnerable social groups (such as homeless people, unemployed, women, refugees and immigrants, etc) for establishing and operating social enterprises.
Equal Society is an official member of FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organizations Working with the Homeless), of the national Anti-poverty network, of the national network for social housing, of the National Register of Greek and Foreign Organizations, active in matters of international protection, migration and social inclusion, of the First Reception Register of the Ministry of the Interior, a certified provider of primary social care services, member of the National Register of Social Economy, an active member of the Social Value International Network and the head of Social Value Greece Network.