Doctors of the World – Greek Delegation

Doctors of the World / Médecins du Monde – Greece (MdM-Greece), founded in 1990, is a medical humanitarian non-governmental organization and is a member of Médecins Du Monde International. The guiding principle underlying MdM’s activities is that every human being has a right to humanitarian assistance, irrespective of their gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, ideology or political persuasion. Acting on the principles of neutrality and impartiality, MdM have created a number of programs both inside and outside the country with the aim of providing medical and psychosocial services to marginalized groups in need of medical care, psychosocial support and advocacy with a long-term goal of making human welfare a basic human right.
In this context, MdM, supported by professionals and volunteers, operate 8 Open Polyclinics in the mainland and the islands of Greece, carry out medical missions in remote areas of the country, have a medical presence in open refugee accommodation centers and temporary hostels, operate 2 hosting structures (for homeless and women in precarious situations), intervene in cases of natural disasters, carry out mental health programs with emphasis on advocacy, conduct educational, informative sessions in schools for health and mental health issues, operate a harm reduction program for IDUs and engages in information campaigns, awareness raising and advocacy for the right to health of the most vulnerable people.