Greek People Management Association (GPMA)

Greek People Management Association (GPMA) represents the largest and oldest association of Human Resources Professionals in Greece, with a membership of over 750. GPMA is the professional body for those involved in the management and development of people. Many of the companies, whose executives constitute members of GPMA, remain the most important international and national employer brands to the present time.
The Association was founded in 1978 and has been active, due to the inspiration and passion of acknowledged executives in the field of Human Resources Management. The rapid evolution of technology, the reclassification of markets, the expansion of borders and the globalization, created an ever-changing reality. But among these changes, one thing will always remain stable: THE PEOPLE. They will always be the main focus of the HR executives and therefore, the focus of GPMA.
GPMA collaborates with all the important Academic Institutions in Greece related to HR trends while maintaining close relations with the main Public Institutional Bodies.
GPMA’s main target has been and will continue be, to promote the foundation and work of the Human Resource profession and to help the bonding between members in order to achieve its vision and mission.