Institute of Creativity – Research – Development of Thermo Region

The “Institute of Creativity – Research – Development of Thermo Region” (IDEAPTH) is a non-profit organization with the purpose of economic, social, cultural, environmental improvement and promotion of the wider area of the Municipality of Thermo.
Its main objectives are:
– The exploration and support of economic development possibilities of the region through innovative actions and collaborations with public and private bodies.
– The support and coordination of individuals and organizations in order to develop innovative business initiatives and activities that are under the rules of sustainability and sustainable development (sports, ecotourism & agritourism, crafts, recreational activities in nature, revival of local customs and traditions, promotion and utilization of natural and human resources, development and processing of local products, etc.).
– The promotion and consolidation of social solidarity and local mutual support, the undertaking and implementation of activities that improve the living conditions of special social groups of the population.
– The promotion of culture and education and the intellectual and artistic cultivation of the inhabitants of the region according to modern international standards and lifelong learning.
– The undertaking of initiatives and the implementation of activities for the protection of the natural environment and the preservation of the natural heritage, the harmonious coexistence of man and nature and the sustainable management of the natural resources of the region.