Save Coast

Western GreecePeloponnese

“Save Coast” is a modern network of Western Greece coastal Societies, aiming to disseminate the international scientific knowledge and experience on issues related to the protection and recreation of the coastal zone. At the same time it promotes environmentally friendly practices improving the quality of life of local Communities.

Our Organization exchanges scientific data and collaborates with Universities, Institutes and other Environmental Organizations, thus forming a broad coastal knowledge base. The spread of this information at the local scale will contribute on problem solutions and will designate the natural wealth of Western Greece coastlines as a basis for the sustainable development of the entire region in the upcoming years.

“Save Coast” aspiration is a joint contribution of coastal Societies, re-evaluating and incorporating future references for a long-term coastal planning perspective that will strengthen modern and environmentally friendly approaches. Coastal Protection, Environmental preservation and productivity growth in viable terms constitute the Organization’s  perpetual objective.

Έργα του φορέα-εταίρου


Strengthened civil society advocacy and watchdog role