Society for the Care and Rehabilitation of People with Psychosocial Problems (Merimna)

The Society for the Care and Rehabilitation of People with Psychosocial Problems (Merimna) was founded in 1997 as a civil non-profit organization.
The Society has public benefit, non-profit aims. It provides services relating to the quality of life and rehabilitation of Persons with Psychosocial Problems, with priority given to the participants at psychosocial rehabilitation programs, or people with disability who live in the community, in conditions of poverty or socio-economic squalor.
Aims and Objectives
- The care for the quality of life of Persons with Psychosocial Problems;
- The rehabilitation in every way possible;
- The provision of housing, living and employment care for people with disabilities;
- The promotion of educational programs;
- The meaningful social inclusion and the equal treatment, as well as the community sensitization regarding people with disabilities, in order to achieve a harmonious coexistence;
- The mutual aid among the members and the general contribution to the resolution of problems of the members of the Fokida Prefecture Psychosocial Rehabilitation Units of the Society of Social Psychiatry P. Sakellaropoulos;
- The scientific study, research and scientific update around issues of psychosocial rehabilitation;
- The exchange of visits, views, information and experience with other national or international organizations – both public and private – which deal with psychosocial rehabilitation issues.
The Society for the Care & Rehabilitation of People with Psychosocial Problems is based in Amfissa. It has currently established three [3] branches. These are located in the Prefecture of Evros, in the Prefecture of Fthiotida and in the Prefecture of Attica. Each branch operates with a Three-Member Coordinating Committee and with the other members that are included in the Society.