Total: 13 projects
Teachers’ of Thrace workshop for the promotion of gender equality and the fight against gender-based violence and pedagogical interventions in the classroom

Teachers’ of Thrace workshop for the promotion of gender equality and the fight against gender-based violence and pedagogical interventions in the classroom

Project Promoter: Icon Greece

Relative Call: Gender equality promoted and Gender-Based Violence combatted

Project Duration: 6 months

The rationale of the project is connected with the urgent need for teachers in Thrace to be trained in gender equality and the fight against gender-based violence. There is a lack of promotion of gender equality and the fight against gender-based violence in education together with inefficiency in policies...

Active Preventers and Active Bystanders: Preventing Gender Based Violence in youth’s life

Active Preventers and Active Bystanders: Preventing Gender Based Violence in youth’s life

Project Promoter: Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group (EKO)

Relative Call: Gender equality promoted and Gender-Based Violence combatted

Project Duration: 24 months

The Project will strengthen the role of the community in the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) among adolescents and young adults (15-26 years old) that takes place at school and at the University, by combating the passive and silent complacency on the part of witnesses of GBV incidents. To...

Prevention and combat of gender-based violence and promotion of gender equality in the Cyclades region

Prevention and combat of gender-based violence and promotion of gender equality in the Cyclades region

Project Promoter: Association for Regional Development and Mental Health (EPAPSY)

Relative Call: Gender equality promoted and Gender-Based Violence combatted

Project Duration: 18 months

According to the data released by the European Institute for Gender Equality in 2020, Greece rated last with 52.2% in relation to gender equality. Evenmore, GGOPIF published data from 2020 indicating that the phenomenon of violence is maintained throughout the country. The aim of the project is to contribute...

Combating gender stereotypes in early school age through STEM

Combating gender stereotypes in early school age through STEM

Project Promoter: Science Communication

Relative Call: Gender equality promoted and Gender-Based Violence combatted

Project Duration: 18 months

The project addresses to the high levels of gender inequality in Greece on the field of science and technology, through STEM education, as based on research we know that the percentages of women / girls who choose a professional career in STEM fields, remain much lower than those of...

Tackling gender inequalities in research and higher education in Greece (GENDRHED)

Tackling gender inequalities in research and higher education in Greece (GENDRHED)

Project Promoter: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)

Relative Call: Gender equality promoted and Gender-Based Violence combatted

Project Duration: 17 months

Higher education and scientific research are primarily areas based on individual achievement and merit, and yet, they are permeated by deep-seated gender inequalities and diffused prejudice. Greece lags behind with respect to gender equality in this area, as European Union surveys show. Gender disparities penetrate, often in indirect and...

Gender equality on the front page

Gender equality on the front page

Project Promoter: Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR)

Relative Call: Gender equality promoted and Gender-Based Violence combatted

Project Duration: 12 months

Despite the significant changes that have taken place in terms of legislative interventions, gender equality in Greece has not been substantially ensured. Linguistic sexism is a very common form of sexism and is the gender discrimination that is reflected in the language which has recently taken on another dimension...

Equalgen – Young people for Gender Equality

Equalgen – Young people for Gender Equality

Project Promoter: Centre for Research on Women’s Issues (CRWI) “Diotima”

Relative Call: Gender equality promoted and Gender-Based Violence combatted

Project Duration: 24 months

Although gender equality is one of the EU’s fundamental values, Greece ranks last at the relevant Index. At the same time, gender-based violence, with its significant social and economic costs, affects the lives of many, especially women and LGBTQ+ people. “Equalgen” is targeted towards a multiplicity of groups nationwide,...

Safe At Work

Safe At Work

Project Promoter: ActionAid

Relative Call: Gender equality promoted and Gender-Based Violence combatted

Project Duration: 24 months

Safe at Work aims at tackling sexual harassment at the work environment. It is the continuation of the panhellenic research “This is not our work”, (ActionAid Hellas, 2020), according to which 85% of women in Greece have experienced sexual harassment at the workplace and it adopts a holistic approach...
