Active Preventers and Active Bystanders: Preventing Gender Based Violence in youth’s life

The Project will strengthen the role of the community in the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) among adolescents and young adults (15-26 years old) that takes place at school and at the University, by combating the passive and silent complacency on the part of witnesses of GBV incidents. To achieve this goal, educational material will be developed and educational activities will be provided to the Project’s special target groups (education professionals, youth workers, social workers, parents and peer-groups), tailored to the learning needs of each group after relevant needs assessment. These activities will equip 219 beneficiaries with the knowledge and skills they need to act i. as “Active Preventers”, who are able to intervene at an early stage and offer youth at risk of becoming GBV offenders with the psychological & social support they need or direct them to the appropriate structures, and ii. as “Active Bystanders”, who are able to discourage, prevent or intervene in cases of gender-based violence in a safe and effective manner.
In addition, during the Project an awareness raising campaign will be carried out, consisting of a series of actions, i.e. the collection of experiences/testimonies of young people, the announcement of a panhellenic photo-contest open to youth and the participatory design, organization and implementation of local actions in Athens and Kavala by youth groups of the local community, under the guidance of the Partners. Upon the project’s completion, it is expected that 1000 Greek citizens will have become aware and familiar with the community-driven GBV prevention approaches, which are promoted by the Project. The Consortium consists of the Athens-based NGO “Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group – EKO”, which is the Project Promoter, and three Partners: the Department of Social Work of University of West Attica (Athens), the Association “PNOI” (Kavala) and the non-profit organization “Terram Pacis” (Oslo, Norway).