Archimedes: Tool for measuring social impact

The project aim to address the gap in the existence of holistic tools for assessing the social impact of projects, actions and investments. In a changing world due to digital technology, artificial intelligence and developments in biotechnology, and in an environment where the need for protection of human rights, gender equality etc. increases along with social, cyclical and green economy, traditional tools do not address current challenges.
The gap will be addressed through the development of a tool that combines SROI (Social Return on Investment) methodology with the impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and through the provision of training/capacity building to civil society organizations on the use/application of the tool, reporting and presenting the results, and using the data for the implementation of evidence-based advocacy. Training will be provided to at least 60 staff/members/volunteers civil society organizations in Athens and Thessaloniki.
At least 10 of the trained organizations will apply the tool in a field of their interest to evaluate the social impact of projects or actions of public or private institutions, and will use the results for the implementation of advocacy actions aiming at changing policies, actions or practices, promoting rights and/or enhancing the voice of socially excluded and marginalized groups.
Upon completion of the project, at least 60 civil society organizations will have enhanced capacities to perform more effectively their monitoring role, as well as advocacy for the change of public and private policies, practices and actions.
The project will be implemented by Family and Childcare Centre (KMOP).