Art and Culture Vs Xenophobia

“Art and Culture Vs Xenophobia” is a project to tackle the phenomenon of xenophobia and hate speech, due to lack of inclusion and tolerance towards the ‘Other’, with Art and Culture as tools. The project includes a) Research and collection of good practices through an open call to civil society organizations, visualization of data b) Meeting and workshops “Art and Culture Vs Xenophobia” c) Good practice exhibition and presentation during the meeting and online d) “Art and Culture Vs Xenophobia” performance d) Photo exhibition on xenophobia
The aim of the project is to support networking, promotion and empowerment of organizations dealing with combating racism and xenophobia in Greece and Norway through the promotion of Best Practices projects that have been implemented for this purpose with Art and the Culture as tools and raise general awareness against racism, intolerance and the promotion of equality and respect for diversity through Art and Culture. With the completion of the Art and Culture Vs Xenophobia, 500 civilian executives in Greece and Norway will have deeper into project methodologies dealing with the issue of xenophobia and 1000 citizens will have been informed and aware of the issue of xenophobia.
Beneficiaries of the project are civilian organizations in Greece and Norway, social and cultural groups, artists, policy makers, public bodies, trainers of all levels, school students,. Also new journalists, Bloggers, Contributors, Photographers, Journalists. Scientists / Researchers.
Non profit organization ARTIFACTORY as a promoter will design and implement 1. the overall mapping of Best Practices, from the open call to their presentation in the exhibition and the Web, the organization of the Meeting, the organization and co-ordination of individuals, groups, volunteers and actors involved in the implementation and sustainability of the project 2. the imprinting, evaluation and planning of the results of the Workshops and the Meeting 3. the creative identity and communication design of the project posters and production of the photography exhibition 5. design and production of research results (Meeting, Internet). Ås Municipality’s Ås Art & Music School partner will co-design and implement: 1. the mapping of Best Practices in Norway, the organization of the meeting, 2. the mapping, evaluation and planning of the results of the Workshops and the Meeting 3. the Communication Plan both in Greece and in Norway, 4. the viability and diffusion of the project in Norway after the end of the project in Greece.
The “Dromos me Dentra” partner will participate in the collection and study of good practices, by contributing with its own works, will create and present the musical performance “Confessions of a stranger” in which songs, texts and poems will be heard in various languages with the participation of prominent Greek and foreign artists.