Do the human right thing – Raising our Voice for Refugee Rights

12 months
216.505,89 €
194.855,31 €
Increased support for human rights
AtticaEastern Macedonia and ThraceNorth AegeanWestern GreeceWestern MacedoniaEpirusThessalyIonian IslandsCentral MacedoniaCreteSouth AegeanPeloponneseCentral Greece

The rights to housing, health and employment are three basic aspects of a decent life.

The project aims at systematically bringing to the fore the violations of the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers, in particular in respect to these three fundamental rights, and promoting targeted solutions through a web of multidimensional activities at multiple levels and with an array of target groups. It includes monitoring, advocacy, information and awareness-raising activities as well as trainings.

More specifically, the partners will compile reports regarding access of refugees and asylum seekers to human rights, including putting forward policy proposals and carrying out systematic advocacy actions targeted at decision makers in Greece and EU institutions. The wider public will be systematically informed through a digital campaign, and the work of Popaganda. Significantly, journalists are also a target group of this project. Finally, university students in journalism as well as public servants will be trained on issues pertaining to the three human rights in question, while workshops will also be delivered to unaccompanied children.

Besides overall coordination, GCR, together with IRC and Diotima and with Popaganda’s contribution, will take over monitoring and advocacy. IRC and Diotima will provide trainings. Diotima will be in charge of the digital campaign. Popaganda will cover the project activities as well as carry out a series of journalism projects.