Green Waters – Sustainable green, blue growth network
Thessaloniki is a coastal city and many times citizens’ relations with the sea environment are not always harmonious. Issues of human intervention to the detriment of the environment are often raised (e.g. human waste, pollution). Frequently the sea can turn into a field of accidents because of safety issues. The “Green Waters” Network aims to enhance the involvement of volunteers dealing with the sea environment, through collaborations and networking of their organizations by developing skills and acquiring equipment.
Action plan:
- Invitation for cooperation, co-configuration and co-creation of Green Waters Consultation for the establishment of the Network by recording the needs in training and adaptation of good practices in the field.
- Establishment of the Network in legal form and acquisition of organizational infrastructure. Implementation of pilot actions in the field for the interconnection of Green Waters Network with other existing Networks.
- Training workshops to strengthen the capacity of volunteers in the implementation of good and safety practices in the sea environment also in management of financial and human resources.
The immediate beneficiaries are the volunteers of the Green Waters Network who are trained in good practices. Consequently the awareness and involvement in issues of the marine environment will be increased.
The project stakeholders’ scheme includes the American Farm School (Project Promoter) which has organizational and managerial capacity by implementing various projects including alternative tourism activities, iSea which deals with sustainability in the sea environment and Ethelon which has the experience of supporting and developing voluntary awareness and participation in civil society.