grow4autism: Networking – Collaboration – Empowerment – Sustainability

13 months
62.907,56 €
56.616,80 €
Platforms and networks among CSOs developed
AtticaEastern Macedonia and ThraceNorth AegeanWestern GreeceWestern MacedoniaEpirusThessalyIonian IslandsCentral MacedoniaCreteSouth AegeanPeloponneseCentral Greece

There are several civil society organizations active in Greece in the field of autism: Associations of autistic individuals or parents’ and careers’ associations and mental health and social care service providers. The aim and objectives of the associations being similar or identical, however, they do not share similar capacities for identifying resources. The collaboration between them or with service providers is often occasional, deprived of any systematic or organized aspect.

The project refers to the development of an informal Network with 15 members: Associations of autistic individuals, parents’ and careers’ associations and nonprofit service providers , that constitute the target groups of the project. The Child and Adolescent Center is the project promoter while the Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic Individuals is the partner.

The aim of the project is to enhance the capacities and the sustainability of the civil society organizations participating in the Network. The project includes activities for networking and for the development of the network, training activities with respect to the identification of financial resources, for the development and functioning of services and for the management of volunteers, for the creation of a Digital Practical guide for parents, the use of a digital platform for connecting and updating the members of the Network and the implementation of a satisfaction survey. The two partners are committed to closely collaborate for achieving the objectives of the project, for designing and implementing all the activities. The project promoter bears the overall scientific and managerial responsibility, while being in charge for the training activities, the management of the digital platform and for the implementation of the satisfaction survey. The partner is in charge for setting and managing the Network and for the development of the Digital Practical guide.