Operation of an observatory for the protection of human rights of Roma and strengthening local communities and relevant stakeholders – ROM

20 months
€ 212.622,40
€ 212.622,40
Increased support for human rights
AtticaWestern GreeceThessalyCreteCentral Greece

Despite the interventions implemented over recent decades, Roma in Greece continue to experience multiple discriminations, while the current pandemic of coronavirus has brought to light again the dozens of problems that Roma are facing, in particular with regard to their living conditions and their health status. Yet, according to official data, only a small percentage of these are denounced to the relevant authorities. The project aims to establish the “Observatory for Advocacy and Protection of Human Rights of Roma” which will collect, elaborate and forward reports to competent bodies. The Observatory will contribute substantially in the protection of human rights of Roma community.

In particular, the project will implement the following activities:

  • Establishment of the Observatory
  • Training to Roma mediators
  • Organisation of information and raising awareness events in Roma communities
  • Recording, processing and forwarding reports to competent bodies
  • Drafting reports, newsletters and a Guide on Human Rights
  • Organisation of seminars to stakeholders, professionals, NGOs, journalists and students of Communication & Media Departments
  • Evaluation of the project.

The composition of the partnership is based on the accumulation of the required experience for ensuring the successful implementation of the project. Equal Society and Ellan Passe will co-operate the Observatory; record, process and forward cases to competent bodies.

Moreover, Equal Society will:

  • Train Roma mediators
  • Draft reports, newsletters and the Guide on Human Rights
  • Organize seminars to stakeholders, professionals, NGOs, journalists and students of Communication & Media Departments
  • evaluate the project

Ellan Passe will:

  • train mediators on how to record cases
  • organize information/raising awareness events in the community

The Union of Greek Roma Mediators will:

  • record cases in the field
  • participate in the information/ raising awareness events, as well as in the seminars.