
People with disabilities are not a homogeneous target group. Even though the international regulatory framework has recognized the importance of fulfilling their needs, as far as the sector of human rights is concerned, it has disregarded through history the subgroup of refugees and immigrants with disabilities. This specific group is the target group of the proposed project. The challenges we are facing today in the way refugees and immigrants can be embedded successfully in the local communities are based on the following triptych : economic, legal and social actions. However, as far as the triptych mentioned above is concerned, sports are systematically missing. Sports can “operate” as a really valuable tool for physical, mental and social integration. Repower is aiming at the empowerment of refugees with disabilities and at the raising of awareness of the refugees community regarding people with disabilities. The proposed project is going to implement the following actions :
•Sports actions in which both Greek and refugees young people with disabilities will participate in a common group. The actions will be addressed for 50 persons in total.
- Motivational speaking and athletic events carried out by Paralympic winners, young refugees with disabilities (Action 1) and members of the Paralympic Refugees Team. The action will take place in refugees’ hosting centers.
- Training workshops in order people with disabilities to formally join sports associations.
- Workshops for journalists
- Central conference with sports activities running in parallel.
The two partners will co-operate contributing to maximizing the social impact of the initiative.
- The H.P.C will be responsible for the implementation of the sports Paralympic activities, the training workshops for people with disabilities and will participate in the motivational speaking action
• Equal Society will organize the motivational speaking action, the workshops for journalists and the final conference.