Shedia@CITY: From isolation to social integration

The project “Shedia@CITY: From isolation to social integration” is an innovative project for the social activation of our fellow citizens who come from socially vulnerable groups such as homeless, urban poors, unemployed and generally social groups who are socially isolated. These are the project’s main target group. For them and with them, the project team will organize re-use/upcycling workshops (taking advantage of the undistributed issues of the Shedia street magazine in order to create new sustainable products as well as participatory design workshops, interactive urban tours made by homeless and public awareness events for defending human rights. Then, the beneficiaries themselves will act as trainers and community leaders and in turn, will train more people and the general public.
The core of the project is the creation of a hub for social awareness and human rights defense as well as meeting point of contextualized social innovation, education/training direct action for supporting human rights.
“Shedia@CITY” project is therefore, an innovative project of social activation, integration and interaction that has at its core the defense of human rights, with an emphasis on the access to education and work (through skills training and development) for vulnerable and excluded social groups as well as equal participation (regardless of age, income, nationality, gender etc).
As part of the project, Diogenis NGO will take the main burden of activating the beneficiaries through the project’s training and other activities. Commonspace will assist in their education and training, through participatory design workshops and Social Solidarity Economy coaching, development and advising. Both partners will focus on dissemination activities, together with the project’s beneficiaries so to design and implement campaigns for the defense of human rights addressed to the general public.